After I came back I had so much time on my hands I didn’t really know what to do with it. And you know me…I’m soooo lazy! So I was just hanging around, not really doing much. I felt a lot of time like just going into the city to meet for a beer in a bar or in a café or whatever, but there’s one problem: THERE IS NO CITY! And everything needed to be planned with others…
Luckily one of my friends was feeling just the same (was also EVS, but she already returned in February), so we got together a lot. And because we had nothing to do we decided to throw a party for our dance group as a re-union kind if thing, since now finally all the people who went abroad are back (a total of 6 or something!). And so planed this theme party…it was really a lot of fun! I missed carnival so much last spring, so a theme party was just perfect. And it was so much fun: the theme was Hollywood and everybody was nicely dressed up or came up with another funny costume (two people cam as a red carpet!).
I also went to Berlin (LOVED IT!!!, thanks again Laura! By the way…I’m coming back in January for a performance at some “Grüne Woche” thing. No idea what that is but what do I care….it’s Berlin and I’m going!) and to Hamburg. My exchange organization “Youth for Understanding” is turning 50 this year so this was our big celebration. It was HUGE! We had the whole youth hostel just booked for us. There was a celebration event with about exactly 1000 guest in a huge beautiful hall in the “Minister of the Interior” of Germany was speaking. Actually no one really likes him, but it made us feel important that he came to speak ;-) . And then there was the big ball hich was a blast. All in all a great weekend with great people, but I hae to admit…I didn’t see a thing of the city so I hae to come back again.

I moved. For good. I got a room in a flat pretty fast, after only one day of looking at flats. And that’s pretty fast. Especially since I’ve heard so many horror stories from others. A lot of time people were looking for 4 weeks and still didn’t find anything! So I was lucky!
I have 2 flatmates: Sabine(22, spent 1 year in Bolivia as a volunteer, became a bank clerk and now starts to study again something with Latin America and economics) and Marina(21, in vocational school to become something like a social worker for disable/old/mentally ill people). Both a really nice and the good thing is…neither of them is studying anything similar or even going to my university. For me that’s very important so I have my uni things and the rest of my life (which will be a small proportion of the time but anyway) separate. And I don’t only have science dorks around me (I know I am one myself so I shouldn’t complain, but anyway).
I am now starting to feel at home here. I met some nice people and met others again by accident after 1,5 years. Really by accident! There was a car crash right in front of my house and then I met a girl from my hometown that I hadn’t seen fr ages.
There’s also a little bit of Estonia in Münster: Doro (Voru) and Katha (Tapa) are also studying here.
My studies will start next week and I’m kinda scared because I ha the feeling that I turned stupid and my brain died the past year. But tomorrow our orientation starts and that will be a blast: stupid games on the town hall square (the chain-of-clothes is an old tradition), a lo t of new people, a lot of alcohol. And the ba scene is quite good from what I know so far! And there’s also a big variety of clubs (yeah…VARIETY…I missed that!).
So….I promise to try to write more often now so that my post are not always that long!
I miss u guys! Hope you’re all doing ok.
mhhh....the pictures were supposed to be in one line. i guess the blogger doesn't like my ideas :-(
a little message from one of the mentioned science dorks =)
Through the fact that you wrote such a LONG message on the blog, I can guess that you're similarly bored today as I am =p
I'd be in for some party tonight - what about you?!
And: what the fuck is the weather doing in here? In my home-area the SUN is shinig...
See you soon,
kalli kalli
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