nice to hear nice news from you...I m really happy!
so l don t really know how start this could say that l m not really obliged to do that, but you know l met some of my estonian family in other place! eh ye alice, aude and ke! It was just amazing see lyon with alice as a turistic guide, see ke (like pierre in the "heidi") really adapt in the mountain life, wonderful by the way, aude still active like a machine!
we really had anbeliveble time togheter, and I hope to see some of all of you before september 2008! could be great! we were in other places but our time togheter was not really different, the first night in leysin for example me, ke and laura did a party and of course one of us was sick and the other carried him into to the bed for obvius reasons.....who was the nurse?.....kelig! l was died in the street!
ok maybe you are jealous of my trip diary :D, so I will put some pictures:)
about me, I had my degree but I m studying to have also a specialisation. I m planning to spent the next summer in some big city (in the south) in spain working in some italian restaurant as a waiter and if someone of you know how I can have some little flat there please tell me also if l m already checking for it....Lee it s for you:)
and I also will have some guests here for xmas:) alice and jeremy!!!!!
katha l was joking about that city in germany and the secret to travel a lot is just to don t eat for many days, buy tickets months before (l payed 40€) and above all don t work!!!! or at least find a season job which sent you out from the city, have extra money for food, but starve to don t use it ahahah, actually I lost 3 kg in a month of work this summer ahahahhahahahaha
gigi congratulation for the presidence, so the revolution is started!
Hasta siempre!
you even made me cry... of jelousy and happiness to see you guys together again!
Alice: you look great with the new hair style!!!
I miss you all, SOOOOOOOO much!!
l don t like her new hair style ahahaha.
l miss you too
I also think it looks nice!
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