Monday, 29 October 2007

new phone number

Party people,

just to let you know that I lost my phone yesterday, so now I have a new number... so, just in case you want to call me when you are very very drunk to say that you miss me... you should do it to this number: viis seitse neli null null null kolme kaks!!
and please send me your numbers, so that I can surprise you one of these days!!

Gg: thanks for the fone... finally i am using the old one that you left me!!
Laura: Thanks for Stephan's postcard! Send him a big musi!!

Love you all

Thursday, 25 October 2007

back from lyon and leysin

ciao guys
nice to hear nice news from you...I m really happy!
so l don t really know how start this could say that l m not really obliged to do that, but you know l met some of my estonian family in other place! eh ye alice, aude and ke! It was just amazing see lyon with alice as a turistic guide, see ke (like pierre in the "heidi") really adapt in the mountain life, wonderful by the way, aude still active like a machine!
we really had anbeliveble time togheter, and I hope to see some of all of you before september 2008! could be great! we were in other places but our time togheter was not really different, the first night in leysin for example me, ke and laura did a party and of course one of us was sick and the other carried him into to the bed for obvius reasons.....who was the nurse?.....kelig! l was died in the street!
ok maybe you are jealous of my trip diary :D, so I will put some pictures:)

about me, I had my degree but I m studying to have also a specialisation. I m planning to spent the next summer in some big city (in the south) in spain working in some italian restaurant as a waiter and if someone of you know how I can have some little flat there please tell me also if l m already checking for it....Lee it s for you:)
and I also will have some guests here for xmas:) alice and jeremy!!!!!
katha l was joking about that city in germany and the secret to travel a lot is just to don t eat for many days, buy tickets months before (l payed 40€) and above all don t work!!!! or at least find a season job which sent you out from the city, have extra money for food, but starve to don t use it ahahah, actually I lost 3 kg in a month of work this summer ahahahhahahahaha
gigi congratulation for the presidence, so the revolution is started!
Hasta siempre!

Sunday, 21 October 2007


Heeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooo % )))))
Hello people:) I’m very glad to hear from all of you and want to tell you about Ukrainian news. This Saturday we had an annual volunteers’ meeting organized by my sendorg “Alternative-V”. It was a surprise cause usually we have it later, somewhere at the mid-november – beginning of December (it’s supposed to be dedicated to the 5th of December, international volunteers’ day), but whatever, it was a nice surprise:))) I’ve met a lot of people I met before in during some meetings and seminars, I met some people who appeared to be from Uni, and, of cause, some ex-EVS, bty the way – specially for Lena =) – greetings for you from Lesha (for the others – a guy who went EVS to GB, when Lena and me went to Estonia), he’s ok, not so much Britain-home-seek anymore;), he passed an English test at British Council and plans to seek for the opportunities to make his PhD in England. And also – we would like to know how it is going for you now in Estonia, so Lee – it was a good idea to make Lena post on the blog:)
It was cool to get some info from Alice=)) and Alice I can agree with you completely about the cliché and stuff, I had something like that while explaining to my friends and relatives about my experience (when you tell about French people they think exactly about something general like cuisine or culture but after you lived and contacted with people for a year almost it cant be so general for you, each has for something special), so I’m for evs culture=))
And – Christian was it you (the post before Alice)? But are you going to study more? I thought you finished with that, but that’s interesting anyway. What are you going to study?
About our EVS volunteers – there are three of them as I wrote already and they all are nice, Kristina from Freiburg, Axel – might be interesting for Barbara – from Muntzer and Maija from somewhere in Finland :) They are all satisfied and happy for so far (although in the orphanage where Axel works nobody speaks English;)) and I hope it will be like this till the end of their EVS (they all are here for a year).
About Shengen thing - : ( ……. I mean I’m happy for Lena but it seems so unfair that Estonia is joining Shengen zone now, only some month after I finished my EVS. And also – I’d like to go to Portugal too, but I’m not sure I manage (I know it seems a bit early to say smth like this, but for the moment the situation is kind of unfixed – I don’t have a job and feel that it’s not fair to ask my parents for money; on the other hand I really like my studies and don’t want to give up them or to put them somewhere on the third place (for the moment the variants of job I’ve regarded require quite a lot of time and it’s mostly technical helping stuff which is not very interesting though well-paid). But I’ll work on it and I’ll manage ;) (believe)
And – congratulations AEGEE-Patra president=))

Saturday, 20 October 2007


Tere to everybody! I want to inform everybody about AEGEE, a student NGO that I m involved in. AEGEE is the biggest european student network with about 15000 members in whole Europe. I have some more details in my blog but I insist on that cause it s a great chance to travel and meet people from all over Europe, participate in interesting events, learn how an NGO works and much more! Check the website to find your nearest antena (thats the name for AEGEE locals) and contact them! You ll find good friends within your countries and ofcourse you ll have the chance to travel and meet people from all around:) And just mention that you know the president of AEGEE-Patra (thats me:):)

Filia to everybody,

Friday, 19 October 2007

one more weekend

Tere party people:

I am writting here just to give you some news about our life in Tallinn. I already have my ticket to go back home, and I am quite happy with it! I start to be a bit homesick! I need to hug my friends and family, eat my food, make jokes in portuguese!
But, Life here is great, despite of the could weather!!! Me and Lena are back to the cooking team! yesterday was potato pancake evening... Next week will be gallete party... nham nham!! I will make pressure on Lena to write here. And Chri, I hope you do the same with the french people (except Aude!!)! Me and Gigi are counting on you (Chri) to make Kêlig and Alice write here! It starts to be a small lack of love and consideration to don't write just a line...

the first weekend of November there will be a small EVS weekend in Tartu. But without Emrah and German to plann eveything I think it will be a total flop! And I am serious... Only a few people in Latvia and Lithuania know about the event, and the weather is not the best to hitch-hike! I think we will rent a car to go there, cause the buss tickets are more expensive a bit... (almost 300 EEK Tallinn-Tartu-Tallinn!!). It seems that the party will be just one night, and I am not sure about accomodation place... I will give you more details (and pictures) later!

Yesterday evening was a very important day for Europe, I guess. Let's see if for better, or worse... I wrote a news about the new Treaty of Lisbon that you can see here:
I propose a toast to our european citizenship!
Another good news is that by the end of the year Estonian (land) boarders will fall!! And in March the airports will be open as well. This means that Estonia (and the 10 new member states) will join the Schengen Area and that Lena will be able to come to our meeting in Portugal 2008!!!!! (for more information

So, Autum is almost over... 6º today and they say it might snow this weekend... But I don't believe them! I will enjoy the weekend, anyway. I just hope is not as hard as the last one (Friday and Saturday we went out of Levist after 6'am...). Ah!! Also last weekend we went to Saaremaa, me, Thomas and our guests. It was really nice and beautifull, but the most windy day in Estonia, ever!!! I thought we were going to die or fly!! lol it was nice, nut we should have gone during the summer time... stupid turists!
enjoy your weekend, wherever you are!!!!

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

taaaaaaa daaaaaaaaaaa ... thank you lee

so, now as i know, how to do it, i am here.
i want to give you some news. as you know i am here in halle and it is not bad at all, not even so ugly as they told me (christian, who told you it was so ugly here?!), i would post some photos, but i dont want to make a blogger genious out of me.
my plans for different for this year, but finally i one the jackpot in university! i got a scholarship for the next 3 years and will be sent to paris for next year for 2 semesters. how much more wonderful could it be? i am very happy about this. but in this case, i am not sure if my parents are more happier about visiting me in paris...
so, if you think that halle is not so worth to visit, you have the chance next here, or both :)
i want to leave you some lines, i wrote in an email. but in the end, i decided i want to make it read to you.
today i had my first lessen about "introduction in frenc cultural science" and it was quite awful. i hope it will not be like this until the end of the semester. you know, you go to evs for one year, to learn more about prejudices, klischees and pictures about foreigners. oh, not all french are like this, ah, i thoght spanish people are like this. ja, this "ah really feeling". so and now imagine my first lesson:
"what is french" - "wine, cheese, frog legs" "eiffel tower".
or something"are we allowed to judge our culture as better as ours? of course we are not allowed!"
bla bla...horrible. i am not sure, what i expected from "cultural science". and it made me wondering, if i am really this kind of person, that wants to put a boarder around the french culture, spanish or german culture. one year we are living this what could be taken in a naive, superior or optimistic way, called as the "european dream" and now i have the task to differ between what is french, german, spanish. actually i am fed up with this "ja, its a klischee, somehow true of course, but not all of them are like this". after my evs i was on the point to take everyone as a person. i didnt have the feeling we had to discuss about "our national culture" and i really totally forgot about where they were coming from because everyone seemed to be so much from "my culture", lets call it "evs culture". for sure i remember discussions about the way to say hello to each other but i dont want to put it into this kind of national frame. so, i am quite struggled with all these questions where we already know the answer. i am over it since a long time.
but finally i hope, it was just a very bad first lesson...

Monday, 15 October 2007

ciao guys,
as most of you know, I will go to visit some of us....the french club but with a little step to switzerland. I will be a bit angry with them because they never write on the blog:( but I must be calm because they can make me a homeless:). so l m sorry that lesya can t read the comment properly because usually l prefer to comment that write. why? because l would like write and put some pictures but as you know I m luzy and l should move the pictures from my leptop to the pc I m using, or maybe ask to my friend, who have the same pictures, to send me them, but don t believe that they are less luzy than me! I have one more news....donna should come in the end on november for some days. and, lf you want, you can came when you want to visit me...l will be careful guys, lt s an invitation (or invite?)! I started with university, like most of you, and I m thinking to ask to write my final work (tesies?) abroad. l stopped with football, eh ye, l had a strong argument with the menagers of the team and now I m in the shit, because I have to find a way to hearn money! here is getting cold porca puttana and I m not happy but, after last year, I think l can resist a bit more.
is it this post to much serious? don t worry l have a surprises :D

click on it, they are pictures about estonian people (in estionia of course) token from the most famous italian newspaper. l can t put them directly on the blog because is impossible to copy:(
Who will guess the estonian city in thye pictures will have a beer from me at he next meeting!
the target of the bet is because l would like to go there to know that people!

un bacio a tutti e tutte!

Thursday, 11 October 2007

just to say

that LENA IS BACK!!!!!!!
and tonight we will go to Juuksur for some beer!!! Urray!!!

It is freezing in Estonia, but we have Lena, so it's ok!!

writing on blog

Tere everybody! I ve sent to all of us that have a google account (sorry if I missed sb:( an invitation through the blog so we right using our accounts. I thought that this way its somehow better, if you dont think so, just reject the invtitations:) I wont accept mine till everybody agrees:)


Tuesday, 9 October 2007


9th October 1967. the world without voice cried ernesto guevara de la sierna called "Che". 40 years ago a great man of our era died by enemies hands, Bolivian military and CIA. a man who became a hero, a mito who is died for an ideal and that unfortunately is became also a piece of merchandising, but this is another point. If we can still find a flag, a t-shirt with his face is because that man changed the mentality of some people, he has been the proof that is possible to hear injustices also far away, and that to spend a life to put the end at that injustices doesn't mean to waste the life. of course he is not the only one who did it, he is just the emblem of them, the emblem of the freedom.


Monday, 8 October 2007


my beloved ones,

just to say hi!!
Despite all the "Saudades" that I feel, I am enjoying the autum in Tallinn. I have seen this city white in Winter, colorfull in Spring, blue in the white nights and now Tallinn looks like a fairy tale picture, with the colours of Autum

I never realised I like autum so much, till this one in Tallinn. Nevertheless, temperatures are going down and down... today 9º!
I miss you. COME TO VISIT US

Wasting time and having fun....

So what has happened in Germany…?
After I came back I had so much time on my hands I didn’t really know what to do with it. And you know me…I’m soooo lazy! So I was just hanging around, not really doing much. I felt a lot of time like just going into the city to meet for a beer in a bar or in a café or whatever, but there’s one problem: THERE IS NO CITY! And everything needed to be planned with others…
Luckily one of my friends was feeling just the same (was also EVS, but she already returned in February), so we got together a lot. And because we had nothing to do we decided to throw a party for our dance group as a re-union kind if thing, since now finally all the people who went abroad are back (a total of 6 or something!). And so planed this theme party…it was really a lot of fun! I missed carnival so much last spring, so a theme party was just perfect. And it was so much fun: the theme was Hollywood and everybody was nicely dressed up or came up with another funny costume (two people cam as a red carpet!).

I also went to Berlin (LOVED IT!!!, thanks again Laura! By the way…I’m coming back in January for a performance at some “Grüne Woche” thing. No idea what that is but what do I care….it’s Berlin and I’m going!) and to Hamburg. My exchange organization “Youth for Understanding” is turning 50 this year so this was our big celebration. It was HUGE! We had the whole youth hostel just booked for us. There was a celebration event with about exactly 1000 guest in a huge beautiful hall in the “Minister of the Interior” of Germany was speaking. Actually no one really likes him, but it made us feel important that he came to speak ;-) . And then there was the big ball hich was a blast. All in all a great weekend with great people, but I hae to admit…I didn’t see a thing of the city so I hae to come back again.

I moved. For good. I got a room in a flat pretty fast, after only one day of looking at flats. And that’s pretty fast. Especially since I’ve heard so many horror stories from others. A lot of time people were looking for 4 weeks and still didn’t find anything! So I was lucky!
I have 2 flatmates: Sabine(22, spent 1 year in Bolivia as a volunteer, became a bank clerk and now starts to study again something with Latin America and economics) and Marina(21, in vocational school to become something like a social worker for disable/old/mentally ill people). Both a really nice and the good thing is…neither of them is studying anything similar or even going to my university. For me that’s very important so I have my uni things and the rest of my life (which will be a small proportion of the time but anyway) separate. And I don’t only have science dorks around me (I know I am one myself so I shouldn’t complain, but anyway).
I am now starting to feel at home here. I met some nice people and met others again by accident after 1,5 years. Really by accident! There was a car crash right in front of my house and then I met a girl from my hometown that I hadn’t seen fr ages.
There’s also a little bit of Estonia in Münster: Doro (Voru) and Katha (Tapa) are also studying here.
My studies will start next week and I’m kinda scared because I ha the feeling that I turned stupid and my brain died the past year. But tomorrow our orientation starts and that will be a blast: stupid games on the town hall square (the chain-of-clothes is an old tradition), a lo t of new people, a lot of alcohol. And the ba scene is quite good from what I know so far! And there’s also a big variety of clubs (yeah…VARIETY…I missed that!).

So….I promise to try to write more often now so that my post are not always that long!
I miss u guys! Hope you’re all doing ok.

Friday, 5 October 2007

Tere tere

I know it took me quite long to leave a short message on the blog, but this time you have to excuse my stupidity, not being able to put this fucking text online so I can choose an excuse for this delay with either my stupidity or with the fact that I don t care. So for sure, I rather confess, that I am too stupid to use these technical equipment from the new modern world than to say that I just don t care, because last one is not true.

So after too much alcohol during the night I left, I felt very bad the next morning, but veeeeerry bad. Drunk as I was when coming home, I forgot to put my alarm clock, meaning that instead of 6 o clock in the morning, I woke up at 9 o clock, even though I told my parents the night before to call me in the morning (luckily I am aware of the fact that sometimes I don t manage my things so well). I told them to call on the flat telephone and not on my mobile phone just to be very sure that I will get up. But no, instead of me waking up because of 5 minutes of telephone ringing, Anton woke up, answered the phone and tried to finally wake me up. After some minutes I just replied, tell them to call on my mobile phone and leave my room.

Usually I am very nice in the morning. So, shouting at my parents, why the hell they dare to call me so early, I stopped the phone call and fell asleep and asleep and sleep until my mobile phone suddenly rang again at nine. (my father told me afterwards that he was afraid to call again, because he didn t want me to shout at him ). But finally at this time I realized that I have to wake up and still had 2 hours until my plane no problem if my bag would just have been packed totally
So ok, I managed I arrived in the airport and finally I was very happy that you were not there I was really not in the mood for this.

When thinking that wooow, everything is managed, you are on the way home, just relax, suddenly I had the need to puke. But NOW! Sitting in between 2 fancy trendy guys. I thought, no, its not possible, the plane is just starting, you are not allowed to get up. But really, I started to sweat like hell, but amazingly, trying to find a position that would prevent me from puking, and making some fresh air with Estonian air magazine. So I stood up, getting to the toilet.

And at this time we have to switch back to my earlier childhood. First time when I was taking the plane with my dad, he was soo funny to tell me, that if I go to the toilet in the plane, I have to be very careful that I will not fall through the hole. So for sure this is one thing that was still in my head. And even though I am already very afraid of walking through the plane, or even not to have the seat belt fasten, I went forward to the toilets where 2 very smiling stewardesses asked me: Can we help you? YES, I need to puke! And I was on the toilet, fighting against all these horror stories my dad told me. The end of the story is that finally not the puking let me feel better. I just had to make a green kakashky and I felt like new born.

So ja, that s it. Back home I quickly realized that it will be impossible if I will not move. The city I live was already sad, empty and nothing but when I came back I realized that it was horrible and nothing could keep me there. Everyone has left! Everything has left! Shops closed, empty bars, closed clubs. Its very bad. And then you would say, ah, at least you have your friends. Ja, for sure I have, but not there in this place. Everyone is doing something and for sure not in Alsfeld. So it was very hard to meet all people all together its not like before, but it s usual, the baby gets older

This is why I will go to Halle tomorrow. Noo, you don t know Halle? People might now it better as the ugliest city in Germany . Yep, that s where you will find me, at least this year. But only this year because for sure I am leaving after one year. Only the content of my studies keeps me there. And at least, I am little bit closer to berlin ;) tere tere Laura!
Hm. I am sounding like very disappointed and sad, but finally I am very happy. Everything is going its way and lets see what will happen.

So I am already on the way to Halle to move into my new room. By now, no contract is signed, but the plan is to move into a very nice very big room. So you see, there is always some space for some of you! For those who haven t understood what I said: this is an invitation J finally I visited Halle and it is not so bad, as everybody told me. Of course its not Berlin but its ok for 1 year.

now i am already in halle, and i can tell you, i am totally lost. i dont know to go to which presentations. everything is done by internet and you see, lee had to help me to write on this blog, how can i manage my whole studies with this fucking shit??? Barbara!!! Where are you when i need your help?!?!?!

So I am sending you greetings, a huge hug and musi musi!

PS: Thanks Lee ;)

Thursday, 4 October 2007

News from Gigi!

So, Im back from Belgrade-Beograd! It was a very interesting trip, I had a lot of fun and I also learned a lot;) For more information, check my blog, everything is there!
So, this Monday I start studying! I m very excited about that and a bit worried, it has been a year since I last studied sth:) I hope everything is going to be fine, I ll let you know!
I also hope that we ll finally get some news from Alice, Ke, Julka... And I dont mind that much if Christian decides to stop posted on this blog (IT S A JOKE!!!)

Filia to everybody,

Hasta Siempre,

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Finally some good news!!


after 9 months working in the english version of my organisation's web site... i am very proud to annouce that FINALLY IT IS ON LINE!!! Drink some Champagne and smoke something to celebrate!!! PLEASE! I am really happy! All the news I have been writting are old, and I must produce new ones, but I don't mind!! 'Cause this means that I am active again! Now, I have a lot of things to do! Of course the first thing I put online were your interviews!! So, now, everyone may read Gigi, Lena, Chri, Lesya and Julka's words! to all the others... TOO LATE!! the interviews are already on, but waiting for the editor's appoval, today or tomorrow!! I will publish a lot of news about Tallinn and Estonia, as well as all the materials that you helped me making! So, from now on you may visit just click on the english flag!! And if you have any comment or suggestion to make, be my guests!!

love you

free hugs

yes guys, I will stress you with this free hugs one more time. As you know, of estonia I just regret that I didn t do free hugs. but someone made for us.In fact if you go to you tube and search for free hugs estonia you will see the worst free hugs that you have never watched. ok they are young and they need support but....still!

I promised to post some picture...I will, but not now:)
and I also sent to aude my don t be angry with me, at least until my next stupid act!
ciao belle e belli!


Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Tallinn reports live

Hello Hello dear all

I am back in Tallinn after one more week off... This time, I received a very good friend of mine, so we went to visit Amèlie & Jonathan, Helsinki, Riga and Vilnius! I am very tired, but happy! I had really nice time in Helsinki. Me and my friend were in a very funny mood, so we had lots of fun! I loved to see Riga again, and we went to a french tea house called Amèlie, that was playing portuguese music!!! It was SO nice!! Then we spent the weekend in Vilnius, with a portuguese EVS girl, who showed us around and introduced us to EVS people! They are very funny and I am waiting to received them in Tallinn next weekend!

I also met some new volunteers, from Barbara and Katha's project. They are 2 nice german teenager girls! Very different from each other, and have a very different relationship from Babs and Katha... the good thing is: they live in Kopli!!! 'Cause there are 3 new teacthers (including spanish Marta) in the flat of the school, the girls had to move out! So, now we are neighbours, but I am still waiting for a crémaillère.

I know nothing about the volunteers in Lasnamae... somehow we do not communicate... but I know some things about the flat! Though Julka said she wanted to write about that (and I have the feeling I already wrote about this...) whatever!! I am already very excited to receive Lena again! In only one week!! I have to start thinking about the party! I need to know at what time you arrive, so that I can pick you up!! And Lena, do you have where to stay? Of course I don't need to tell you, you KNOW that my flat is your flat!! If you need to stay for some time till you find a place for your self, I will be more than pleased to help! And it seems like Lena will not be the only one that we will have to visit in Tallinn...

do you remember that strange woman that talked to me, when we went to Chri Chri's project to make the international presentation? Well, today I start working in her language school! As my organization is almost "dead" and I have nothing to do, they decided I could teach, once a week, journalism, in english! So, I start today, in one hour! I am excited about this new thing to do, because otherwise I think I would go crazy without anything to do in the office!! I only/still have 2 months and a half here! I start wanting to go home... and to Stochkolm and to Kiev!!! hahaha

what about Ben?? Kêlig (I don't believe you!!)?? Katha?? Julka?? Missing Gigi?? ALICE??? where tha fuck are you guys?? and WHY don't you give some news?? is just to make us (people who write where) feel more and more lonely??