Friday 17 August 2007

Nothing special. But I still love you:)

Hello people:)
Some things last days have inspired me to post information. Sorry for my disappearance, but it’s just that during last month nothing interesting happened to me. I haven’t moved anywhere, nobody came to visit me, nothing has changed around. Ok, one thing changed inside – in my flat windows and heaters have been changed. So now I have nice windows like in Mahtra’s flat ;)
And, after all, when nothing changes it’s not that bad – when there is no news it still can be considered as good news.
But that (that nothing has changed) doesn’t mean I’ve forgot you. I remember you and miss you, and miss the time in Estonia. And, yeah, Aude where is the recipes’ book?:) It’s not like I’ll manage to cook something properly but I’d like to see it (Sometime after coming back I made Far Breton, but nobody appreciated my masterpiece in French cuisine, so I’ve decided not to do it again). Lee, I’m sorry for not responding your comments (I don’t have broadband internet for now, using dial-up and it takes quite a time to post anything) and thanks a lot for the post “to Lesya”, it was very in time, as I stayed at home alone with all my friends left to travel somewhere and it cheered me up. Barbara’s last post was so solid in size that I’ve saved it as I usually do with big articles from Times and am going to read it recently.
That’s all for so far about my Ukrainian news.


Barbara said...

"Barbara’s last post was so solid in size that I’ve saved it as I usually do with big articles from Times and am going to read it recently."

LOL Lesya you're great!! I'm like the Times lol.
But it's great to hear frm you. I'e missed you!

Miss Lee said...

eh eh eh!! I like to see that Gg's mail made some reactions...
It is good t have you back Lesya!!


edokoita said...

Welcome back Lesya! Every day is special if you feel like this:) Send some picture, I m sure you didnt stop taking pictures! I d like to see how Kiev looks like in summer time:)