Sorry for not responding your comments, guys, but for me with this f*cking low-speed internet it’s the same time to put a post and to make a comment. But thanks for the welcoming comments. Actually, our blog is quite alive – a lot of new posts with nice pictures. The only thing we need to do is to attract French people somehow (except Aude). :) Guess we should come out with some kind of PR campaign :))
About myself – of cause each of my days is very special (someone has damnly good memory here, eh GG? ;)) Do you remember everything we’ve spoken?), putting a picture of night Kiev, during summer it’s the same as any big city – loud, dusty, hot. I finished your post Barbara, very nice:) Actually, I liked it more than Times in a way – you know this correspondent’s strict style ;))))
Love you all,
L ;)
Hehe...nice that you posted this twice!
So that we can memorize it better ;-) ??
Anyway...I deleted the other post...I hope you don't mind lesya...seems easier this way!
it's a really nice picture you put up! Kiev is quite beautiful.
I have a very good memory, a big heart, strong arms and lets not talk about other parts of my body...;)
Hurraayyy!!! We re getting alive!!!
oh Gg... you are so... nice!!
I love the picture Lesya... and the flights Tallinn Kiev are so cheap... that maybe soon you can show me where you took it!
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