Friday 16 May 2008

You know you are from Estonia when...

1. You use the word ‘normal’ if something is ok.
2. When visiting friends abroad you bring along a box of Kalev chocolate.
3. You attended a song festival at least once either as a performer or as a spectator.
4. You know that going to the sauna is 80% about networking and 20% about washing
5. You are nationalistic about Skype (it is actually an Estonian company)
6. ‘Kohuke’ belongs to your menu
7. You declare your taxes on the internet like all modern people
8. You actually believed for a while that Latvians had 6 toes per foot when you heard that as a child
9. You are convinced that Estonia is very strategically located
10. You spent at least one midsummer in Saaremaa, Hiiumaa or one of the smaller islands

11. You can quote films like "Viimne reliikvia" and "Siin me oleme"

12. You spit three times around your left shoulder for good luck
13. Words like "veoauto", "täieõiguslik" or "jää-äär" sound perfectly pronounceable to you
14. You like bold statements (such as this one... ;-) ) and sarcasm
15. You can at times drink hot tea to hot food
16. You are disappointed that Jaan Kross never got the Nobel prize in literature
17. It would not be surprising for English-speakers to find your name naughty (Peep, Tiit, Andres [sounds like undress]) or hippy (Rein, Rain)

18. You have been to Finland
19. you say 'noh' (sounds like NO) even when you speak English, just to confuse people

It's just some sentence from my estonian teacher Teve.
If you know some other, can you post them, she wants our feeling.

I post this just before my very nice trip in Switherland.
Musi musi

Audé !!


Miss Lee said...

i will try to make a post as big as this one about the feeling of being estonian... or what I think I might be!

but I loved this one! and I think that you can add your teacher's name to point 17... hi hi hi

Barbara said...

i love the point 17. Never thought about it before. But so true!