Wednesday 14 May 2008

Lost and Found...


It's been quiet around me...I know. Sorry. I suck at keeping contact, which I know.
So first of all Happy belated birthday to all of those that I did not send a birthday wish(so basicly all of you...gosh...I'm horrible! Sorry again!).
I LOVE the new heading by the way!

So what's been happening with me....

I really settled in in my new home in Münster. I love this city more and more: beautiful old town, the students’ spirit, all those bikes everywhere and especially now in spring (or rather summer as it feels like) Münster is more lively than ever, because everyone get out their barbecues and sits in the park to enjoy the sun and their beer. I’m not much of a photographer, so I don’t have any pictures, but I’ll make up for that. Or you just come over and see for yourselves (please do!).

So short version of the last few months: surcvied first semester, joined student’s council, drank Estonian beer in Berlin, ate Kohuke with Laura, visited Katha in Halle (and found a bar that serves Viru Valge), spent my semester break studying for stupid chemistry exam, started second semester, had Katha over in Münster (and also Ben for a couple of hours), met the German minister of health during a conference of the German pharmacy students’ association.

Yeah…sounds quite like it. Uni is quite fun so far and it actually leaes me some free time., so I’m taking Russian classes again. It’s quite fun actually and I enjoy being around other students who are not pharmacists (don’t get me wrong, I like my fellow students a lot. But most other pharmacists are science-people, so it feels good to be around people who have a different perspective on life/way of thinking).

Now I’m in my parents’ garden because it’s witsun-break (although not a single person cares about that holiday anymore, but hey…it gives me a week off!). I feel quite restless and want to go travelling but again…a n exam is ahead, so I’ll just save my travelling-energy till the summer! I’m REALLY looking forward to it and can’t wait.

Seeing Laura and Katha and Ben again really made me appreciate the EVS-spirit again. And I miss you guys!! Even if I never write or I’m not on MSN (turns out I’m not much of a messenger person). And I still do check the blog quite often….

Mhh…that’s it for now. I hope you hear form me more often now!

Miss you all!
Musi, musi


PS: I don't have any of your post addresses!! Can you give them to me? I have tons of postcards that want to be sent all over the Europe!!


Miss Lee said...

you summurized so much info in so few lines... it amaizing. you should have gone to study journalism, girl!
please write more often! at least traditional mail!!

subcomandante christian said...

brava barbara....a lot of fun, brava brava. but l have one grammar question. to have plural we have to take the word at the singular and add an "s". but you wrote s wrong because should be adresss and actually look better.

Barbara said...

me a journalist?
Ha...that would be a very short newspaper, my dear. and after you wouldn't be any smarter than before I guess.

adresss...mhh I quite like that. and we should write as well buss, kisss

subcomandante christian said...

Palombi Christian
C/so Vittoreio Emanuele 26
04020 Monte San Biagio

Вчена Мавпа said...

Barb! Hi!!!!
Just wanted to say, that I love short newspapers, so if you start one let me know, I'll be buying it.