Hi tovarish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unza unza unza!!!!!l love this song when l m happy!!!!!yes people l m happy for many reasons: l did my last summer exam; tomorrow l will leave with the boat around italy...unzaunzaunza time!!!!!!!
would you know how was my exam?....l took 28/30 unza unza unza happy christian happy happy. In rome was os fucking hot puff l thought -20 in estonia while l was dieing on the street!!!!!!
boat is waiting the sailor!!!!!!!popey hihihi
maybe you are thinking l m stupid...l don t care l m so happy now!!!!
by the way l don t know how l can utilize internet during this month....l will try to give you my news (and if lt s possible some pictures even)
that 2 are just a preview took from internet....we are seriuos...l know said by me lt s a bit strange
Do you know what are we going to do? well this campaign is the most famous for the safeguard of the sea in italy, our biologies check the healt of the sea with analysis, we give pirates flag to local power if they are following politics against the seaside like huge hotel on the beach for example, do blitz like occupation of some area where is planned to build eco monster (we call ecomonster building which are not sustenaible and adapt with the ambient around)......so lt s quite beautiful and exciting unza unza unza
ok guys continue to write...to be honest some one should start
I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subcomandante christian
chri, ..are you stoned?!? :)
good to hear you're happy!! Have fun on your boat - don't get sunburned ;)
l m not stoned...at least not yet :)
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