I hope everyone is doing fine! I am cool and cold... fucking estonian weather!!
Lesya made me some questions by e-mail, and I will answer them here (for I want this blog to substitute general e-mails)!!
So I already answer the first one: I am ok! Yesterday, me, Thom and Kahta went for a beer with Alisa, a new volunteer from Romenia. It was very nice. I guess she will be Aude II... Doesn't drink, is full of energy and works a lot... KLet's see if she can calculate!!
So, Leya, yes, I am still in Estonia and Julka as well! Lena is leaving on Monday (together with Emrah, Doro and Camille from Parnu). Barbara is leaving in 2 weeks and Katha stil doesn't know, but somewhere between the 1st and the 10 of September. (Sad times will come again and again...)
about he flat... Well, only Lena and Julka are living there for real! There is a new volunteer, Sashka from Macedonia. She will take Donna's project, and therefore live in the flat. but for the next couple of weeks she will be in workcamps in Marjamaa... poor girl! We met last weekend, she is cool!
there are also 2 french girls staying in Lasnamae for some weeks. they are friends of (estonian) Sashka and are in Estonia for a reportage about youth... but they are more silent than rats can be...
so, about my plans, Lesya... Next week me and Thomas will be in the mid term, somewhere in the south... so this will be my first week of hollydays! If Margus doesn't bored me too much!! Then on 29 August I am flying to Berlim, to meet Laura and Robert. From there I will go to Prague to visit 3 portuguese EVS friends. Then Vilnius to see another friend and then Tallinn. maybe I stop in Riga... So if you, or anyone is planning to travel around Europe on the first 2 weeks of September... let me know! I would be very happy to meet you somewhere...
And this weekend we will go to Viljandi Folk Festival. There is a Portuguese band playing on Friday... I will try to see them!
I leave you with a picture of a very nice jazz concert that Lena took me to, in the Ukrainian cultural centre! The place is amaizing, and the music too!
that's all for today folks!!
Musi musi
Leeeeee - you're going on a trip to B?!?!?
As chance wants it I'll most probably be in the north myself near the beginning of september - it would be a waste not to meet, what do you think?!
See you on the weekend (let's talk then)!
Musi musi
Its a great idea that this blog should substitute general emails:) I m leaving tomorrow on vacations (second part), I ll give you info when I m back on my blog:):) Beijinhos!!!
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