i have just posted in my personal blog almost 30 pictures of my week in Berlin. So, I will not do the same here! If you want to see them just go to http://4000kmaleeste.blogspot.com/ and check it out. If you need some translation for the comments, I will be happy to make it for you! I will just translate (a part of) the last part of the original post. I do so, because (almost) every one of you has been in Berlin, some with me, and it makes no sense to write and say all over the same again and again... I hope you understand!
"I have seen one more million of things, bars and cheap restaurants that deserve no record except in my mind! But what I really liked in Berlin was the feeling of being back in a NORMAL city, where I am not darker than 90% of the population and where barbies hang out holding hands with punks, and there are freaks with their dogs, as I haven't seen for long time!! I liked how fast things are done and eated and sold and seen and walked by. I liked the design shops and people shoes, on the street. I liked the public transport system and the way people smile, for free, on the street. I enjoyed not being able to recognise foreigners and hearing lots of languages, be able to chose what kind of food I want for dinner... puff I ENJOYED BERLIN A LOT!!"
there are just 2 pictures that dont match with my personal blog, but should be here!!
one is for Aude, Terviseks!
and this one for Alice... maybe she now owns this cafe in Potsdam, for no one as seen her anywhere... only Aude... hum...
I still take this chance to tell you that I am fucking happy that Lena is coming back!! And that I will make a HUGE welcoming party for her! As some of you know, I came back from my holidays for Julka farewell party, but there was no party... so, now I really need a big party! It will be for Lena. One more thing that makes me really happy is that my best friend is coming to visit me on monday, for the week! It will be great, I am sure!! At least it is helping me pass this week, cause I am alone in Tallinn... Thom went to Russia with Julka and the volunteers from Kê and Aude projects are on the on arrival... everyone else in Lasnamae is a bit strange... and the flat is (a bit) different! but Julka promissed to write about that! Let's see when...
I hope everyone is ok, if so, please give some news... And Aude, where is the cooking book?? you look like a lazy mediterranean person I know... =p
lave you all
miss you a lot
welcome back lee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
l m sorry you are alone but actually you are not...we are whit you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as l understood julka go back defintly...did she stop her project or it s just over and what about new volunteers in lasnamae? as l understood they came already but you don t know yet them.....
stay cool Lee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Julka's project is over, she went back like you and the others. from OUR FAMILY there is only me and Thomas left...
I met the new volunteers in Lasnamae... they are diferent, the flat is different... everything is different! and not for better...
Mhh...you don't sound too happy.
Well...maybe it will just need some time to find a balance with the new people and stuff?
hace you meet the new girls for Katha's and my project? I met Helene before she left...really nice girl. I think you'll enjoy her.
anyway...the cookbook! yes..I want, I want! Can't wait to try all the recipes on my flatmates!
no... i am not really happy with this new situation... but I will survive. I am really happy with the girls from Kê and Aude's project, that's enough!
the girls from your project, I havent met them... do you have any contact of them? Beacuse I dont... and the only way is, maybe, going to the school: "Tere tere!" no i am joking... if you have an e mail adress or something, it would be nice!
do the girls live with you?
maybe with times something will positevly change:) by the way go on barbara school and say "tere tere"...they will kick you they are russian...hihi. when you will meet lasnamae people can you ask for mail address of person who work on my project? I hope she/he is nice, if not I will ask to my mafia friends to remove her/him....just tell me!
She's on her on-arrival right now, so I guess that's why you haven't met he yet.
her mail is helenewert(at)web.de
if that one doesn't work add another 'e' between the 'n' and the 'w'
hum... i see... so she is with the other tallinn volunteers that i already know! I guess we wil meet soon.
and how is munster?
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