Friday 9 November 2007

a point of order in this mess!!

my dear italian and greek fellows;

let's see if I can clear up your minds. I have the cooking book, for several weeks, now!
You don't have to be jelous or angry, or pretend to!!
Aude sent me the book, so that I could give my opinion on it, correct some english mistakes and add some os Lena's recipes. So, shut he fuck up, because the only reason I had the book before you was to make it better for you!!!
And, I am quite sure that if Aude is taking so long to send it to you is because she is making t even better and more beautifull!!
So, stop complaining, before I break your noses! As I told before, if there is anything special that you feel like you have to eat (like pregnant woman do) just tell me and I will send you the recipe! If not... WAIT!!!
Now, come crawling asking for my forgiveness... maybe you will be lucky!
and one more thing: Chri, you almost got me with that Boycott to portuguese food. but then you wrote "eat Mc Do!" and that is not you, you communist!! by the way, happy 90º anniversary of the October Revolution!


edokoita said...

We are not going to step back on this war. Our fight is rightful and were not giving up till the end. Subcomandante Christian made this statement about Mc Do in a symbolic way. Mac Donalds symbolise the imperialism of easy over tasty food, the mass culture of plastic food, the effort of remove taste in general from our lives. So, when subcomandante chooses this instead of portuguese food, this is a political statement concerning the role of portuguese food in european culture and its quality:DDD


Comandante Gi

Miss Lee said...

puff puff... you are just writting like thatm to dont appologize,....
cof cof!!

subcomandante christian said...

you have to apologize! because before you said to have just the recipes and after our pressing you confessed to have the book! but the controversial part was also about our cooking tasks. I have proof of my cooking commitment.
Amnesty international is wedding our part and will support us with specialized lawier! see you in the tribunal fro civil right in lisboa!
enjoy Mc Menu!

edokoita said...

Actually, I m not sure about Amnesty International Chri, I was working for the greek department this summer but I quit :) Maybe they dont really want to help :DDD

subcomandante christian said...

ahahahahah...ok gigi so l will find someone else to take care of us:D
what do you think to call our Fidel?
or maybe the organization for the safeguard of animals

Barbara said... are all insane!!!

But that's why i love you guys!!

edokoita said...

Love is not enough Barbara, you have to join us to this fight. Its for the good of european gastronomy, we have to eliminate portuguese threat. I ve already asked Fidel Chri, and he gave me phone number of Cuban comrades in Italy and Greece to contact them. Hasta la victoria siempre! (that was his last words on the phone :DDD)

PS. WWF told me to fuck off :((

Comandante Gi

subcomandante christian said...

gigi you are just...great!

yes barbara l love you too but gigi is right, join us against portuguese food because l think she will have support from france quite soon! so me and gigi will menage to have power in mediterranen area, and you can menage the continental europe.
me and gigi will attack them from the not anymore normandia but marseille and you can just repeat the attack of some years ago, passing around Maginot Line!
in the middle of the military activity we will meet each other in Postdam and when we will win...we will have party in Yalta.
What do you think tovarish.

subcomandante christian said...

we should convince jesus to attack portugal via land while italian and greek pirates will attck lisboa' s harbor.
should work

edokoita said...

I agree with the plan, but I think I ll need a map tovarish, I got a bit lost with all these travelling. I m sorry to tell you tovarish, but I think Jesus is not trustful, he will betray us, we cannot trust him (Lee can learn our secrets by offering him some alcohol, he is not loyal to the revolution). I ll come to Italy with Adri, Jakobo and Miguel (Cuban comrades that live in Patra, they sell cigars by the port) we ll join you and your army and go to Marseille. We ll need Alice, try to contact her. So, Barbara can we lay on you? Whether you are a friend or an enemy, think carefully! I also contacted Donna, British people are making an army too (they dont have cuisine anyway, they dont have anything to lose). We have to stick together Chri and be strong, enemies of revolution are smart and they will use all means to beat us.

Comandante Gi

PS. Fidel sends kisses

Miss Lee said...

you smoke too much weed, take to much sun on those heads, eat to much mushrooms...
still I have the book and you dont!!