First of all I wanted to say that I'm so fucking happy that you all are writing posts to the blog, so it really feels like we are one big international family. Chri I liked your post and your wishes:).
You all already know that I'm back to Tallinn and probably think that I'm a lazy Ukranian, who didn't write for too long about how is it going and all the rest. To tell you the truth - I'm very lazy, so my smal slow brain is not able to work much and as I have to work now to get my money from 10am to 6pm, usually I'm not able to put any posts after that.
But you are my family now I hope you will forgive me.
So, now it's my turn to give you some news about Tallinn life, last weekend was really nice. On Friday we had a dinner in African kitchen, organised by ex-EVS volunteers and we ate and ate and ate (never skip a chance to feed our Estonian babies:P) - and as you know food there is really delicious. As well that was also I think the last night this year, when it was possible to stay and drink outside.
And now, I must tell you, that I have my personal achievement: you all remember Lesia's good-bye party and my nice experience with vodka, that evening, so on Saturday Marta (a Spanish teacher that lives in Barbara's and Catha's flat now) and Lee made a nice Spanish Tortilia Party with lots of Sangria. The party was big fun and I managed not to puke all night on, next morning I even went to Rapla at 7am :).

You can see that last weekend was quite funny here in Tallinn and if you by any chance missed it, so grab your bags and come here to visit me, pleeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee.
cool lena! I m so happy to have your news...from tallinn!!!!
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