Wednesday, 24 June 2009

l'm not dead, at least not yet :) (part two)

Ciao my friends!!!!!!
do you remember of me? l m that lazy italian ex-volunteer in that cold country in the north of europe called Estonia l guess :)
how start....well in april l had two surgery operation at the sacral bounce, the second one was to cure the damnage of the first one :S but it s done and I dont want think about it. As you may know l m involved in politcal activity here and in june we had municipality election, so l was candidate and l had a nice experience because to campaign l went into the house of the people promoving myself, our political project etc....really nice experience. we didn t win of course hehehehehehehe, actually we knew that's why our target was just to get a representant in the oposition and we did!!!!!!!! and l had a really good score, 68 people voted directly for me!!!!!! l was the first elected on my list, actually l was the sourprise of this election because l was the youngest candidate and l had a lot of votes heheheheheh yes I m happy about it :)
so now l have just to write this thesis...pffff
on the second of july l ll go to spain for 15 days, I have to look after a gropu of teenagers whos is going there for a studying-holiday...and in august I ll do the same but in notthingam where l hope to meet roobin hood.
so l wish you all the best and a lot of kisses from italy.....always in my heart and my mind!!!!!!!!!!
love you!!!!

1 comment:

Вчена Мавпа said...

Have a nice summer Chri :)!!!